Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I'm in the unknown
In the lost for words
I'm in need of expression
A dose of release
So that I could speak of my confession
And add up to my relief

This is just just a fling
Maybe, with reality
And all the seconds passing by me
So that for a while the moment I could catch
The memories so beautiful
Like a firefly in a jar

I don't know what to say
The Truth has saved my day
And I don't know if I fear
Or my smile might just be queer
I am thankful but sorry
May I make this last for eternity

In the end what I would do
Speak from my heart, and pray unto You
For everything You are
For capturing my heart
For astounding me with Your eternal beauty
And ever, for making me happy

I end this in Peace
And of all Your love
This is not the end though
But another start
And oh, a beautiful one
So I thank You all the more

It is a new day again
An end for another day
My table of mistakes now
Have all been turned down-up
Because Your eyes are ever there
Ever there upon me

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