Sunday, September 9, 2012

Real Freedom.

I've always reflected on the real meaning of freedom, and I even sometimes doubt rules (although I follow them). I am sometimes confused, and I do doubt myself sometimes whenever I preach that rules and freedom are not mutually exclusive. But it's just really refreshing to read the below article regarding freedom. It speaks so much truth about freedom, and the illustration on freedom and rules blending well together just shows what it really means to be 'free'.
"Most people in our post-modern society are crying freedom from rules and regulations. Surely freedom means that you can do what you want, doesn’t it?
"By way of illustration, picture this scene: a high speed train is hurtling along its tracks towards its destination. Now imagine the same train leaping off its tracks, crying freedom and running across open fields, completely out of control. Which of these scenarios is a true picture of freedom? The train running smoothly along its tracks as it was designed to, or the train hurtling out of control, throwing passengers out, killing and destroying right across the field? If a train leaps its tracks, it’s not free – it’s dangerous.
"To use another illustration, imagine you go out to a concert one evening to hear a solo pianist perform. You are expecting to hear some relaxing classical music or perhaps some jazz, but the pianist announces that he is a “free” musician and is going to play some of his own compositions. Being a “free” musician means that he doesn’t believe in or follow any of the conventional rules of music – he just plays a random, discordant and unrelated series of notes and chords. How many of us could listen to that for any length of time? Maybe you would you like to go to such a concert – but that’s just the novelty element!
"A train off-track, picture of real freedom?
"The fact is, all good music is expressed within the framework of a set of rules which are interpreted in various creative ways. Even a genre such as jazz, which many consider to be very “free” in its expression, has certain rules that govern it. A jazz pianist will drop the root note of his chords and “colour” them by sharpening or flattening notes in the middle – to put it roughly! But he is still moving within predefined boundaries to express subtle nuances of sound."
Read more:

So, to conclude, freedom and rules are not mutually exclusive. They are complementary. :-)

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