Saturday, October 11, 2008

I'm Never Gonna Pretend To Know Anymore

I'm never gonna pretend like to know the things that I do not really know that much anymore. I think that it has become my habit to conquer everything that challenges me even if they're the first time that I've encountered them. There's this sort of pride in me that needs to finish them off out at once. In turn, things end up as disasters, not victory. My zeal, or rather, lack of patience hurts more than it stitches. I achieve the end, but by unpleasant means. The saying "the end doesn't justify the means" rings on my ear with me saying this.

Today, however, I've given up. I'm tired of trying to do what is clearly beyond what I can do. I'm tired of promising people that I'm gonna do something for them that I do not really know of. I'm tired of hearing them ask me if I've done it yet with me still struggling to find out how to do so.

With this honesty in hand, I begin to learn genuinely. As I acknowledge my weaknesses and limitations, I actually identify my threshold and my points for expansion.

Today, this is how I'll do things -- I'll identify those that I can readily do and just normally do them. Now, with the things that I do not know doing yet, I'll admit that I can't do them. However, I am open to learn them. Starting now, bring it all on. I have a new rhythm anyway. ;)

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