Friday, February 16, 2007

Sugar, Spice, and Everything nice to eat... Hmmm...

I've posted this late, please bear with me... ;-p"

"12nn and I'm in the canteen to eat (of course, obviously), and I've pledged not to eat pork, oily food, spicy food, crustaceans, oysters, and etcetera. I've been into a lot of reflection lately about my health, life, future and my being. On the way to pick my 'ulam' or plate, I see my favorite Pork Adobo, and Pork Lechon! (I hope you imagine the scene and be able to share with my struggle, haha :p) Ugh! They're so my favorite (they became my favorite because of my misconception that pork and fatty/oily food can transform my skinny frame to a 'healthier' one. I was wrong, very wrong that is. I didn't realize the stakes and as I've been through a lot of reflection, complicatedly, I couldn't explain or describe what it does and did not just for me, but for everyone) and I struggling in temptation. At last, at the corner of the food selection in the Canteen, I have found Kare-kare. The 'peanut butter', not so greasy and porky food that has veggies in it. It was the best choice for the day (lunch) so I took it. More luckily, they don't have bagoong, another delicacy (spice) that I have pledged not to eat. It saved me for lunch time. At last, a healthy diet.

I ate, and while I was eating, I paused to chekc someone out through text messaging and then continued to eat. It was hard to adjust with the 'path' (diet) that I decided to take. Looking in front, struggling to munch the food in my mouth that doesn't taste like my favorites, I saw someone's plate in front of me, and just my luck, it's Lechon again. I didn't realize that it was gonna be a hard battle at first. I looked away and tried to finish my meal. I was taking long eating already.

Well, while I was eating, I thought about things and came to a conclusion that though it may be hard to adjust to the new diet and practice a better and healthire food habit, I'm hoping and I know that I'll be able to taste the price in the late years of application.

Oh, a start of a new era for me..." (originally written: 12:27 pm, Thu Feb/15/2007)

Till here only. :-)

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