Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Confrontation with a Dasma-to-San Pedro FX Driver...at last!

At last, on a cold and rainy evening, as I was seated beside the driver in the front seat, I had the much long-awaited talk and confrontation with an FX driver about some issues they (and we) are facing. It's about the steep slope on the road along the way to Juana 3, our subdivision.

It's been ages that this has been an issue. Too many drivers have been complaining about 'why are we not doing anything about it or why won't even fill it up with anything'? Some drivers prefer not to drive that way and take a detour, some are okay with it -- and I am torn in between. Some drop me way far from my house while they can drive through the way and drop me off nearer. This evening, it's much worse. It was raining, I'm a bit ill, and I have nothing to protect me from the rain -- no jackets nor umbrella. The driver told me beforehand that he won't go that steep road. Good thing he informed me earlier and I had the luxury of explaining to him why we don't have much to do about it when he asked me. I told him that that territory belongs to a different village and ours is much better actually (with the recent evident road fixes and improvements). I explained it to him clearly and we both understood each other.

Sadly, though with all the conversation, the driver was sorry because he was worried about his van -- he told me that it had problems before by going that way (maybe the scratches or I just don't know). So, it is final that he was to drop me far from my supposed drop-point.

There I was, I walked out the door after I waited for the sosy fellow student beside me to excuse me with him opening his nice umbrella, while I have nothing on hand. There I walked under the pourin rain. Halfway through, I decided I'd unwear my barong and use it as my cover. I did so. I made it through and was halfway utterly wet, and halfway, not so utterly wet. I got home this time better than before. The rain was not that strong compared to last week that I went home wet all over and sickly. Hahaha...

At last, I hope this does something -- at last they know something. They can stop blaming us who live in Juana 3 for not repairing the roads that we do not own. A BIG "AT LAST"... :)

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